Thank you

changes look good, especially for higher levels.
Any chance at fixing the drop rates for Blizzard Muffler/Avalanche Cape parts?
I am getting 40+ of the lesser ones and barely even 1 (if lucky) of the others.
E.g. Avice's Ice Pick
Agnes's Ice Horn
Alexandre's Fur
Kryos' Fur
The rest can be farmed at a much higher rate - but they're needed at the same amount (5 of each).
Can you maybe increase drop rate of these above and decrease the other so that they drop about the same? It's not helpful to the market to make it TOO easy to farm but also at the moment it's virtually impossible.
Even if someone spends all day farming/buying mat. from others - you can get one box after a month...and most likely it'll be a low quality version.
Please consider and let us know

Otherwise thank you for the updates in the game, they're very much appreciated!