-Can you make shield PoS with Scorpio stones and Pegassus fragment as recipe ? (Shield, Bracelet, Kickball, & Talisman)
-What about Crit, atkspd, block, and evade rate system ?
-Add Hero and Side quest at Arcadia City ?
-When Arcadia's Necklace will update ? (Sign of Arcadia Necklace)
-Will you add new Soulforce Type for all equips, from Legend to Ultimate(Rainbow letter color) with max cap enchantment is +40 / +50 ?
-Increase drop rate for : Heart of Lavalon, Heart Glass after killing Bone Dragon, Paris wing, and Elga's Blood Crystal ?
-Add more Galaxia Costume Sets such as Hephaistos set, Artemis set, etc ?
And that's all from my mind. Thank you. And I'll think about it later, don't know when.