Pre-patch note 1.0.67
White Tiger BackPack is socketable now.
- Maximum players for BSQ
70-75 level have been increased.
NPC icons have been added to locations:
Edge of the World
Port of the Winds
Steven Trading Port
Ellora Camp
Village of Ash Mist
Kalygon Fleet
Dangerous Caverns
Moonlight Shore Village

Black Claw Nest has been added to Teleport Tower.
Portable Hammer for repairs armor is selling in Odelia and Port of the Winds.
- Everyone can get
free gift at start

- Emporia 2 stars is available now.

Health of Emporia Dragon has been increased.

- Cooldown for skill
Wyvern Blade has been changed.
Lv.3 -
10 ->
9 seconds.
Lv.4 -
10 ->
8 seconds.
Lv.5 -
10 ->
7 seconds.
- Cast time and animation time for skill
Raising Storm has been changed.
Cast time:
Lv.2 -
1 ->
0,9 seconds.
Lv.3 -
1 ->
0,8 seconds.
Lv.4 -
1 ->
0,7 seconds.
Lv.5 -
1 ->
0,5 seconds.
Animation time:
Lv.2 -
1,33 ->
1,2 seconds.
Lv.3 -
1,33 ->
1,1 seconds.
Lv.4 -
1,33 ->
0,9 seconds.
Lv.5 -
1,33 ->
0,8 seconds.
- Increased damage for skill
Raising Storm.
Lv.1 -
250%+300 ->
Lv.2 -
275%+450 ->
Lv.3 -
300%+600 ->
Lv.4 -
325%+750 ->
Lv.5 -
350%+900 ->
- Cooldown for skill
Magnum Break.
Lv.3 -
10 ->
8 seconds.
Lv.4 -
10 ->
7 seconds.
Lv.5 -
10 ->
7 seconds.
- Skill
Wild Rage increased critical damage too.
Lv.1 - Amplifies all party members total value of Physical Attack Power and crit. chance by 4% for 100 seconds"
Lv.2 - Amplifies all party members total value of Physical Attack Power and crit. chance by 6% for 120 seconds"
Lv.3 - Amplifies all party members total value of Physical Attack Power and crit. chance by 8% for 140 seconds"
Lv.4 - Amplifies all party members total value of Physical Attack Power and crit. chance by 10% for 160 seconds
Lv.5 - Amplifies all party members total value of Physical Attack Power and crit. chance by 12% for 180 seconds

Step The Beat! has been changed:
Lv.1 - Reduces physical and magical damage by 15%. The effect applys to other party members, every one will be in good mood!
Hyper Strength has been changed:
Lv.1 - Increase crit chance oneself and party members within the range by 1%.
Lv.2 - Increase crit chance oneself and party members within the range by 2%.
Lv.3 - Increase crit chance oneself and party members within the range by 3%.
Lv.4 - Increase crit chance oneself and party members within the range by 4%.
Lv.5 - Increase crit chance oneself and party members within the range by 5%.
- New skill
Dancer for
Level: 65+.
Description: Transform into a real dancer. When transformed into a dancer, all active skills are disabled except for Windmill, Seven, and Aerial Kick and you get bonus: Move Speed, Speed Attack, Damage increased +25%. Passive skills work just as normal.